Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's your choice...

Tonight we watched The Karate Kid.
Because we're cool like that.
And there was a quote that has rocked my world.
"Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up."
I'd say the last year has felt like a knock-down.  Over and over. 
But you know what?
I'm choosing to STAND up.

PS: Some words of thanks...  Thank you incredible friends who have walked through this.
And thanks to Making Things Happen and the incredible people who make that intensive happen.  If you'd like to be inspired, given the tools and given a swift kick in the butt when necessary - make reading their posts a part of your life.  (For a quadruple blessing - go to the intensive.  Oh my goodness.)
And I am so grateful that God has brought me to this place.  He has given me the space to cry, to doubt, to grieve, to hurt and He has loved me through it all.  And somehow, He's bringing healing and beauty into what I thought was hopeless.  Words cannot begin to express my gratitude...


  1. I've been knocked down too many times.... I think I'll stand too!!!

  2. Oh, girl... If ever there were someone who WILL stand - it's you. We'll stand together and rock out some life to the full. I can't wait...
